Appendix B. Support information
This section describes the following options for obtaining support for IBM
v “Searching knowledge bases”
v “Obtaining fixes”
v “Contacting IBM Software Support” on page 226
Searching knowledge bases
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want it resolved quickly. Begin
by searching the available knowledge bases to determine whether the resolution to
your problem is already documented.
Search the information center on your local system or
IBM provides extensive documentation that can be installed on your local
computer or on an intranet server. You can use the search function of this
information center to query conceptual information, instructions for completing
tasks, reference information, and support documents.
Search the Internet
If you cannot find an answer to your question in the information center, search the
Internet for the latest, most complete information that might help you resolve your
problem. To search multiple Internet resources for your product, expand the
product folder in the navigation frame to the left and select Web search. From this
topic, you can search a variety of resources including:
v IBM technotes
v IBM downloads
v IBM Redbooks
v IBM developerWorks
v Forums and newsgroups
v Google
Obtaining fixes
A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. You can determine what
fixes are available for your IBM software product by checking the product support
Web site:
1. Go to the IBM Software Support Web site (http://www.ibm.com/software/
2. Under Product support pages A to Z, click I, and then select IBM Tivoli
Intelligent Orchestrator. This opens the IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
Support site.
3. Under Self help, follow the link to All Updates, where you will find a list of
fixes, fix packs, and other service updates for Tivoli Intelligent
OrchestratorTivoli Provisioning Manager. For tips on refining your search, click
Search tips.
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