The following stages are described to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator problem
determination process:
1. “Troubleshooting the prerequisite installation”
2. “Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation and subcomponent configuration
verification” on page 17
3. “Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator runtime problem determination” on page 21
4. “Accessing the knowledge bases” on page 26
5. “Using the available command line tools” on page 26
Troubleshooting the prerequisite installation
The following steps are required during this phase:
1. Ensure that the operating system has all required fixes and levels. For a
complete list of operating system environments that are supported by Tivoli
Intelligent Orchestrator, refer to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation
Guide, Version 5.1.
2. For your specific server topology, ensure that the prerequisite installer installed
the required versions and patches for the prerequisites and their related
components, as described in detail in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation
Guide. Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator requires the following prerequisites:
v DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8.2, Fix Pack 11 or
: Oracle 9i
v IBM Tivoli Directory Server, Version 6.0, Fix Pack 1
v WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.0, Fix Pack 2.
After the prerequisite installation, you might want to follow these steps:
v Ensure that the configuration of the IBM Tivoli Directory Server database
was successful. If not, refer to the “IBM Tivoli Directory Server verification”
on page 11 section.
v Perform a subcomponent verification, as described in the following
– “DB2 Universal Database verification”
– “IBM Tivoli Directory Server verification” on page 11
– “WebSphere Application Server verification” on page 13
DB2 Universal Database verification
Follow these steps to ensure that the DB2 Universal Database was successfully
1. Use the following command to start the database:
v On UNIX: $ db2start
For example, db2start on AIX has the following output:
$ db2start
07/13/2005 11:54:07 0 0 SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.
SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful
v On Windows:
– From the services window, start the service DB2 - <instance_name>.
– The default service name in Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator 5.1 is DB2 -
Verify whether the designated port is available by running this command:
netstat -an |grep 50000
3. Verify if all required DB2 Universal Database processes are up and running:
10 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide