
CTGEM0023E The agent manager cannot store
information about the agent with the
operating system GUID
"operating_system_GUID" and component
ID "component_ID" in the agent registry.
Explanation: The agent manager cannot store
information about the specified agent in the agent
registry. This indicates a possible problem with the
database or a problem in the agent manager. The agent
or resource manager that called the agent manager is
not affected by this problem.
The component ID component_ID identifies the specific
instance of the agent on a computer system by using
the root configuration directory, or installation
directory, of the agent.
Administrator Response: Verify that the agent registry
database is operational. If it is not running locally,
verify that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. Turn on tracing (if it is not already on),
and restart the agent manager. If the problem
continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0024E The agent manager cannot store
information about the certificate with
serial number "serial_number" and
distinguished name (DN)
"distinguished_name" in the agent registry.
Explanation: The agent manager cannot store
information about a certificate in the agent registry.
This indicates a possible problem with the database or
a problem in the agent manager. The agent or resource
manager that called the agent manager is not affected
by this problem, because it receives the certificate, even
though the certificate is not stored in the registry. The
next time the agent or resource manager contacts the
agent manager, the agent manager authenticates the
caller using the certificate that is presented at that time.
System action: The agent manager logs the exception
in its trace log file. No exception is thrown for the
calling program.
Administrator Response: Verify that the agent registry
database is operational. If it is not running locally,
verify that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. After correcting any database access
problem, turn on agent manager tracing (if it is not
already on), and restart the agent manager. If the
problem continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0025E The client certificate has an
unrecognized format: class_name.
Explanation: The client certificate specified by the
class_name class has an unrecognized format.
Administrator Response: Collect the message and
trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0026E The agent manager cannot store
information that is provided in a
configuration update into the agent
Explanation: The information in a configuration
update cannot be stored in the agent registry.
Administrator Response: Verify that the agent registry
database is operational. If it is not running locally,
make sure that you can connect to it from the agent
manager server. Turn on tracing (if it is not already on),
and restart the agent manager. If the problem
continues, contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0027E The agent manager cannot load the
root certificate for the certificate
authority that uses the following alias:
Explanation: The agent manager cannot load its root
System action: The certificate authority is not
initialized. Certificate generation and renewal cannot
occur, so registration requests cannot be processed.
Administrator Response: Collect the agent manager
and trace files and contact IBM Customer Support.
CTGEM0028E The identification information in the
certificate request is incomplete. Both
the operating system GUID and the
component ID must be specified.
Explanation: An agent or a resource manager
submitted a certificate request that does not contain
complete identification information. The calling
program must provide both an operating system GUID
and a component ID.
System action: In addition to logging this message in
the agent manager message and trace files, the agent
manager throws an exception to notify the calling
program about the problem.
Administrator Response: This message indicates a
programming problem. Collect the agent manager
message and trace files and contact IBM Customer
Programmer response: Modify the calling program to
provide complete information for the certificate request.
CTGEM0029E A Web service port implementation
class cannot be loaded. The
implementation class name is class_name.
Explanation: An error occurred while loading the Web
service port implementation class specified by
System action: The function provided by the specified
Web service port implementation is not available.
Chapter 11. Tivoli Common Agent Services messages 207