
COPDSE103E Each permission character in the input
permission string VALUE_0 must be one
of "-", "r", "w", "x", or "s".
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPDSE104E The input desired state name VALUE_0
should be no longer than 256 characters.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPDSE105E The input desired state description
VALUE_0 should be no longer than 2000
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPDSE106E The input service description VALUE_0
should be no longer than 2000
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPDSE107E The input service name VALUE_0
should be no longer than 256 characters.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPDSE108E The input expected protocol VALUE_0
should be no longer than 20 characters.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPDSE109E The length of the input permission
string VALUE_0 should be no longer
than 256 characters.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
Group Messages
COPGRP001E Cannot add the object VALUE_0 with
type VALUE_1 to the group VALUE_2
with type VALUE_3 because their types
are incompatible.
Explanation: The object cannot be added because the
type of the group and the type of the object to be
added are not compatible.
COPGRP002E Cannot add the group VALUE_0 to the
group VALUE_1 because it would cause
a membership cycle.
Explanation: The source group cannot be added to the
target group because the target group is already a
member of the source group or another group that is a
member of the source group.
COPGRP003E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group with object ID
VALUE_0 could not be updated because
it could not be found.
Explanation: An update operation for a group failed
because the group could not be found.
COPGRP004E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group with object ID
VALUE_0 could not be deleted because
it could not be found.
Explanation: A delete operation for a group failed
because the group could not be found.
COPGRP005E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group membership with
object ID VALUE_0 could not be
updated because it could not be found.
Explanation: An update operation for a group
membership failed because the group could not be
COPGRP006E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group membership with
object ID VALUE_0 could not be deleted
because it could not be found.
Explanation: A delete operation for a group
membership failed because the group could not be
COPGRP007E An error occurred during XML import
processing. The group member with
name "VALUE_0", type "VALUE_1", and
object ID VALUE_2 could not be added
to the group with name "VALUE_3" and
Explanation: An operation to add a member to a
group failed because the member is not a valid member
for the group.
COPGRP008E Cannot add the object "VALUE_0" to
the group "VALUE_1" because it is a
dynamic group.
Explanation: The members of a dynamic group are
168 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide