v The OS/400
Preparation Site was installed correctly
on the system.
v The software package contains valid objects.
v The user is authorized to perform the operation.
DISSP6020E Failed to export file name
Explanation: An error occurred while the file was
being exported.
Message Variables: where
file name The name of the file.
action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Check that the package contains
no incorrect values. Verify that all the libraries are
present on the system.
DISSP6021E Failed to import file name
Explanation: An error occurred while the file was
being imported.
Message Variables: where
file name
The name of the file.
action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Check that the package contains
no incorrect values. Verify that all the libraries are
present on the system.
DISSP6022E Failed to run command name. Check the
path variable
Explanation: See message.
Message Variables: where
command name
The name of the variable.
action: Operation failed.
Operator response: Verify that the path variable is
correct and submit the command again.
DISSP6023E Directory not found
Explanation: The system does not recognize the
directory name you specified.
System action: Operation failed.
Operator response: Specify the correct directory name.
DISSP6024E Link not found
Explanation: The system does not recognize the link
you specified.
System action: Operation failed.
Operator response: Specify the correct link path.
DISSP6025W The changes made on this package
cannot be saved
Explanation: The system cannot save the changes
made on this package. The managed node from which
you want to save the changes is not the source host.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Open the Software Package Editor
from the source host on which the software package is
DISSP6026E Packages containing both device and
desktop actions are not supported.
Include either desktop or device actions.
Explanation: You cannot create a software package
that contains actions for both devices and desktop
System action: Operation failed.
Operator response: Create a software package for
devices and a separate software package for desktop
DISSP6027W The minimum value specified must not
be greater than the maximum value
Explanation: In the range you specified the minimum
value is greater than the maximum value.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a correct range of values.
DISSP6028W Invalid value: value Max value allowed:
Explanation: You specified an invalid value.
Message Variables: where
value The specified value.
action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a correct value.
DISSP6029W The specified value is not within the
valid range.
Explanation: You specified a value that is not within
the valid range.
System action: The operation is not performed.
Operator response: Specify a value within the valid
Chapter 10. Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator messages 175