searching the available IBM technotes for your product and the available
knowledge bases to determine whether the resolution to your problem is
already documented.
the actions that led up to the problem and generating an action plan
The approach that you should take must make use of all the available
resources and tools. You should start by verifying whether all the hardware
and software prerequisites have been met. While focusing on the problem
itself, you should always take into account the bigger picture of the Tivoli
Intelligent Orchestrator environment.
Fixing the problem
Once the problem is well defined and understood and its cause is correctly
identified, corrective steps are required to solve the problem. As an additional step
to this phase, it is always worthwhile documenting the problem for the future, to
expedite the resolution of further possible problems.
Troubleshooting methods for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator and
Based on the feedback received from our Support teams, the following methods
have been proposed for troubleshooting Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator and its
prerequisites. Used in addition to your own product knowledge and experience,
these troubleshooting methods might help you to shorten the time spent looking
for a problem resolution, by better orienting you inside the Tivoli Intelligent
Orchestrator problem determination process.
At all times during the problem determination process, keep the following points
in mind:
v The WebSphere Application Server is central to Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
and its components. All components, DB2 Universal Database, IBM Tivoli
Directory Server, SOAP, user interface, deployment engine, policy engine,
command line tools, interact with the WebSphere Application Server. If you do
not know where to start with a problem that you have encountered, start with
WebSphere Application Server. Check the SystemOut.log file for errors. The log
file is located in the following directory:
– On Windows: %WAS_HOME%\logs\<server-name>
– On UNIX: $WAS_HOME/logs/<server-name>
v Isolate the root error using the proposed troubleshooting methods to find a
v Take screen shots of specific steps and errors received along the way
v Utilize and exploit the knowledge bases.
methods that are provided for troubleshooting the Tivoli Intelligent
Orchestrator are series of tests or questions. Troubleshooting methods are
organized so that you can start with general questions and then continue with
more specific questions that allow you to narrow down the problem space. Based
on the answers to these questions, you can isolate the problem and find a
resolution to it.
Depending on the stage you are encountering the problem, you must identify the
starting troubleshooting method within that stage, and then follow it to find the
resolution to your problem. Many troubleshooting methods will point you to the
knowledge bases.
Chapter 2. Problem determination essentials for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator 9