Table 12. Remote registry database installation log files
Log File Description
datastore.out A log of the SQL statements that are run to create the registry
database and its tables.
ds_install.log An ISMP log for installing the files necessary to create the registry
Standard output and standard error logs for creating the registry
database. Check db_stdout.log first to see if the registry was
created successfully.
Locating the runtime log files
The runtime logs for the agent manager are located in the was_install_dir\logs\
directory, where app_server_name is the name of the application
server. By default, this is Agent Manager.
The runtime logs for WebSphere are located in the WAS_install_dir\logs\server1
Additional logs are in the was_install_dir/logs/ffdc directory.
Locating the DB2 Universal Database runtime logs
DB2 Universal Database provides several First Failure Data Capture (FFDC)
facilities that log information as errors occur. The DB2 Universal Database FFDC
facilities are used with CLI and DB2 traces to diagnose problems. The information
captured by DB2 Universal Database for FFDC includes:
When an error occurs, the db2diag.log is updated with information about
the error. This is the primary log to use when debugging DB2 Universal
Database problems.
If an error is determined to be an alert, then an entry is made in the
db2alert.log file and to the operating system or native logging facility.
dump files
For some error conditions, additional information is logged in external
binary dump files named after the failing process ID. These files are
intended for DB2 Universal Database Customer Support.
The database manager generates a trap file if it cannot continue processing
because of a trap, segmentation violation, or exception. Trap files contain a
function flow of the last steps that were executed before a problem
useful DB2 Universal Database commands include:
db2trc This command gives you the ability to control tracing.
This command collects environment information and log files and places
them into a compressed archive file.
82 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide