BTC5027I Status has been sent.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC5028I The status report for host host_name, URI
URI_name, and port port_number was not
Explanation: The specified status report was not
System action: The common agent will continue to
run, but the agent manager will not know the common
agent status.
Administrator Response: The credentials on the
common agent are not valid. Before status updates can
be sent to the agent manager, the common agent will
need to register, or re-register with the agent manager.
Call customer support if necessary.
BTC5042I command to upgrade a common agent
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC5043I command to upgrade a common agent
and its JRE
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC5044I command to obtain the status of a
common agent upgrade
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC5045I The common agent upgrade completed
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC5046E An error occurred during the common
agent upgrade. Look in the
logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:
Explanation: An unexpected exception was caught
during the common agent upgrade.
System action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the common agent version is unchanged.
Administrator Response: Collect the common agent
log files and contact customer support.
BTC5047E The upgrade bundle cannot retrieve the
upgrade status from the
logs/install/epInstallStatus.log file. Look
in the logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:
Explanation: An exception was caught while reading
the epInstallStatus.log file, which contains the status of
the upgrade. Possible exceptions include:
v FileNotFoundException - The file does not exist or
cannot be opened for reading.
v IOException - An error occurred while reading from
the file.
v NumberFormatException - The status value cannot
be parsed as an integer.
Response: Make sure that the
logs/install/epInstallStatus.log file exists. Open the file
with a text editor to obtain the upgrade status.
BTC5048E The upgrade bundle cannot read the
CAUpgrade.properties file from the
agent manager using the URL, url. Look
in the logs/upgradeAgentTrace.log and
logs/upgradeAgentMessage.log files for
information about the exception:
Explanation: An error occurred while reading the
CAUpgrade.properties file from the agent manager
using the URL, url. Possible exceptions include:
v MalformedURLException - The URL, url, specifies an
unknown protocol.
v FileNotFoundException - The file does not exist or it
cannot be opened for reading.
v IOException - An error occurred while reading from
the file.
action: The upgrade of the common agent
stopped and the version of the common agent is
Administrator Response: Perform these actions to
correct the problem:
1. Make sure the agent manager is running.
2. If the agent manager is version 1.1 or version 1.2
with fix pack 1 or earlier, make sure that the
common agent upgrade instructions on the support
web site have been followed. The upgrade
instructions help you configures the agent manager
to upgrade common agents.
3. Verify that the CAUpgrade.properties file is
accessible by performing these tests:
v On the agent manager server, open the
CAUpgrade.properties file. The file is located
under the $WAS_HOME directory, in the
directory for the AgentManager application.
198 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide