Tivoli software training
For Tivoli software training information, refer to the IBM Tivoli Education Web
site: http://www.ibm.com/software/tivoli/education.
Support information
If you have a problem with your IBM software, you want to resolve it quickly. IBM
provides the following ways for you to obtain the support you need:
v Searching knowledge bases: You can search across a large collection of known
problems and workarounds, Technotes, and other information.
v Obtaining fixes: You can locate the latest fixes that are already available for your
v Contacting IBM Software Support: If you still cannot solve your problem, and
you need to work with someone from IBM, you can use a variety of ways to
contact IBM Software Support.
more information about these three ways of resolving problems, see
Appendix B, “Support information,” on page 225.
Conventions used in this book
This reference uses several conventions for special terms and actions and for
operating system-dependent commands and paths.
Typeface conventions
The following typeface conventions are used in this reference:
Bold Lowercase commands or mixed case commands that are difficult to
distinguish from surrounding text, graphical user interface (GUI) controls
such as names of fields, icons, or menu choices, keywords, parameters,
options, names of Java
classes, and objects are in bold.
Italic Variables, titles of publications, and special words or phrases that are
emphasized are in italic. Italics also indicate names for which you must
substitute the appropriate values for your system.
Code examples, command lines, screen output, file and directory names
that are difficult to distinguish from surrounding text, system messages,
text that the user must type, and values for arguments or command
options are in monospace.
x Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide