Table 7. Deployment engine logs (continued)
File name Location Description
or Linux
This log file stores
all event logs for
the deployment
engine component
in Common Base
Event standard
or Linux
This is the log file
of the most recent
startup of the
engine. This log is
overwritten each
time the
deployment engine
is started.
Workflow logs
If you want to determine why a particular workflow has failed, you can use the
Web interface to display the run history for that workflow. You can also export the
log files of your workflow history using the workflowLogExport command, as
described below. The command script is located in the %TIO_HOME%\tools directory,
where %TIO_HOME% is the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator home directory.
v On a Windows platform, type the following command:
workflowLogExport.cmd (-n <workflow_name>* | -r <request_id>) [-f
<export_filename>] [-i <input_filename>]
v On a UNIX or Linux platform, type the following command:
workflowLogExport.sh (-n <workflow_name>* | -r <request_id>) [-f
<export_filename>] [-i <input_filename>]
– <workflow_name> is the name of the workflow whose run history you want to
export to a log file;
– <request_id> indicates the deployment request identifier;
– [-f <export_filename>] specifies the fully qualified path and file name
where the workflow log will be exported. By default, the file format for the
exported log file is XML, and the default file name is workflowLogExport.xml.
If you do not specify a different file format, the workflow log file will be
exported by default to XML. Also, if no file location is specified, the log file
will be exported by default to the %TIO_LOGS% directory.
– [-i <input_filename>] specifies the name of the file that lists the names of all
workflows whose run history you want to export to the same log file.
48 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide