BTC2411I The locale was successfully set to
language_code and region_code.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC2412I The locale was not set. The default
locale is language_code_ region_code.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3001E The system encountered an error while
creating the file_name file.
Explanation: The system cannot create the specified
file in OSGi storage.
System action: The bundle could not be created;
therefore, the installation or update has failed.
Administrator Response: Verify that there is sufficient
disk space and that the user has the appropriate
authority to write to the file system.
BTC3002E The file_name file was not found.
Explanation: The system cannot find the specified file
in OSGi storage.
System action: The specified bundle name was not
found on the file system.
Administrator Response: Verify that the bundle
location was specified correctly and that the user has
the appropriate authority to read the file.
BTC3003E The bundle_name bundle was not found.
Explanation: The system could not find the specified
bundle to install. The bundle might be missing or
System action: The bundle was not installed.
Administrator Response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the specified location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.
BTC3004E The update target file, bundle_name, was
not found.
Explanation: The specified update file was not found
in OSGi storage. The file might be missing or
corrupted, or the target bundle might be specified
System action: The bundle was not updated.
Administrator Response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the specified location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.
BTC3005E The update source file, bundle_name, was
not found.
Explanation: The source file for the update operation
was not found. The file might be missing, inaccessible,
or corrupted.
System action: The bundle was not updated.
Administrator Response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.
BTC3006E The bundle_name bundle was not found;
therefore, it cannot be started.
Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in
OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,
inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not contain the
necessary components.
System action: The bundle was not started.
Administrator Response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file. If necessary, reinstall the
BTC3007E The bundle_name bundle cannot be
stopped because the system cannot find
it in the OSGi storage.
Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in
OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,
inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not be running.
System action: The bundle was not stopped.
Administrator Response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file. If necessary, reinstall the
BTC3008E The bundle_name bundle cannot be
uninstalled because the system cannot
find it in the OSGi storage.
Explanation: The specified bundle was not found in
the OSGi storage. The bundle might be missing,
inaccessible, corrupted, or it might not be installed.
System action: The specified bundle was not
Administrator Response: Verify that the specified
bundle exists at the given location, the location is
accessible, and the user account has the appropriate
authority to read the file.
Chapter 11. Tivoli Common Agent Services messages 187