v ### is 3-digit unique serial or message number.
v Z is the severity code indicator, including the following indicators:
I Informational message. The message provides information or feedback
about normal events that have occurred or are occurring, but do not require
you to take action. The message might also request that you provide
information in instances where the outcome of the information you provide
will not be negative.
W Warning message. The message indicates that potentially undesirable
conditions have occurred or could occur, but the program can continue.
Warning messages might ask you to make a decision before processing
E Error message. The message indicates an error that requires an intervention
or correction before the program can continue.
Message elements
Each message includes a message ID, message text, and explanation text. Some
messages also include action text when the user can take an action.
COPDEX101E A security exception occurred while
the system parsed the profile XML file.
Explanation: The ITM Obtain OS Profiles workflow
generates an XML file that contains the list of profiles
installed in Tivoli Management Agent. This profile
XML file is copied to the IBM Tivoli Provisioning
Manager and then it is parsed by the Profile XML
Parser. The XML parser cannot read the profile XML
file because a security error occurred. This is a file
permissions issue. Either the parent directory of the
profile XML file is missing appropriate file permissions,
or the profile XML file is missing the appropriate file
Operator response: Verify that the login user is
assigned read and write access to the parent directory
of the ProfileXMLParser.
Message ID
String of 10 alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies the message. In the preceding
example, the message ID is COPDEX101E.
Message text
Explains the reason for the message, what the message means, and possible causes of the
message with recommended steps you can take (for those messages that require some action on
your part). In the preceding example, the message text is: A security exception occurred while the
system parsed the profile XML file.
Contains additional information about the cause of the message, and describes the action that the
system took or will take. In the example, the explanation follows the label Explanation.
Describes what you must do to proceed, to recover from the error, or to prevent a problem from
occurring. Actions can include:
Action title Description
System Action Describes the reaction of the system to the condition that caused it
to display this message.
Operator Response Describes what response you might be able to take.
36 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide