you are using to manage users in your LDAP database
does not have the support for customizable roles. You
can either specify a different factory class name in
user-factory.xml or continue using pre-defined roles.
COPJEE007E The destination for a network
configuration item cannot be null.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE008E The source for a network configuration
item cannot be null.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE009E This feature is not supported.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE010E The logical deployment template node
VALUE_0is not supported.
Explanation: The logical deployment template node
supports physical machine, virtual machine, application
tier, external, and load balancer. All other logical
deployment template node types are not compatible.
COPJEE011E The system tried to access a user
interface configuration instance before it
was initialized. Reload the page, wait
for the page to load completely, and
then proceed.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE013E The system cannot initialize the
deployment request VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE014E The deployment engine was unable to
complete the request. The request
domain VALUE_0 is missing EJB
interaction class information. The
ejbInteractionProxy attributes and the
ejbInteractionMethod attributes must be
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE015E The application cannot find the host
system for ID VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE016E The system cannot find the license
broker for ID VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE017E There is not enough data to validate the
pool and application tier. Either the
application tier is not managed or the
application tier pool ID is null.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE018E There is not enough data to validate the
pool and application tier. The
application tier ID is null and the pool
ID is null.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE019E The system cannot find the software
product ID VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE020E An error occurred. The unknown
credentials type ID is VALUE_0.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE025E A deployment engine exception
occurred. The lock manager ID VALUE_0
is not valid.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
COPJEE026E The subnetwork "VALUE_0" cannot be
created in the database. Try to add the
subnetwork again. If the problem
continues, contact your database system
136 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide