BTC3154I The system failed to create the
directory_name directory because the
specified directory name is not valid.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3155I The system encountered an error while
attempting to delete the directory_name
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3156I missing parameter
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3157I The directory_name directory has been
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3158I The directory_name directory has been
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3159I The file_name file has been copied.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3160I The copy of the file_name file failed.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3161I file_name has been deleted.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3162I The file_name file was not deleted.
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3163I Unknown subagent bundle command
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3164I Unknown common agent command
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3165I Active
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3166I Installed
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3167I Resolved
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3168I Starting
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3169I Stopping
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3170I Uninstalled
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3171I Unknown
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC3172W The bundle was updated, but it cannot
be found.
Explanation: There was an error locating the newly
updated bundle.
System action: The bundle might not function
Administrator Response: Verify that the bundle exists
in the specified bundle location, and make sure it is
valid bundle.
BTC3173E The instance of the bundle_name bundle
was not found; therefore, it cannot be
Explanation: The instance of the specified bundle to
start was not found in the OSGi storage. The bundle
might be missing or corrupted, or it might not contain
the necessary components.
192 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide