default delimiter $ is used:
Table 6.2. Predefined Substitution Parameters
Parameter Name Description
$itemname$ Name of item entered, as on the Add New Item dia-
$fileinputname$ Name of item entered, as on the Add New Item dia-
log, without file extension.
$safeitemname$ Name of item entered, as on the Add New Item dia-
log, with all unsafe characters replaced with safe
characters. For example, if the item name was My
Custom Class, then the $safeitemname$ would
evaluate to My_Custom_Class for a C++ source
code file.
$upcasesafeitemname$ Same as $safeitemname$ with all characters up-
$lowcasesafeitemname$ Same as $safeitemname$ with all characters
$tempdir$ Location of operating system temp directory. No
trailing file separator.
$rootnamespace$ Root namespace or package for the current project.
This is typically used for C# and Java projects to
find the namespace containing Main() (or main() in
the case of Java).
$ampmtime$ Time of day in the form hh:mm[am|pm]. Example:
$localtime$ Time of day in locale-specific format.
$time$ Time of day in the form hh:mm:ss.
$localdate$ Current date in locale-specific format.
$date$ Current date in the form mm/dd/yyyy.
$projectname$ Current project name (no path, no extension).
Substitution Parameters