To add hex FF with octal 77 with binary 111 with decimal 99, complete the following steps:
1. Click Hex then type or click FF.
2. Click +.
3. Click Octal, and type or click 77.
4. Click +.
5. Click Bin, and type or click 111.
6. Click +.
7. Click Dec, and type or click 99.
8. Select the output base by clicking one of the base buttons and type or click = to compute the result.
Math Commands
Evaluate mathematical expressions by selecting expressions in a buffer and executing the add command
or by executing one of the math commands on the command line followed by an expression.
These commands support the same expression input. The syntax of the math command is:
math expression
The math command evaluates the Slick-C® language expression given and places the results in the mes-
sage line. You can specify octal numbers by prefixing the number with a zero and specify binary numbers
by prefixing the number with the character b. If no operator is specified between two unary expressions,
addition is assumed. The characters $ and comma (,) are stripped from the expression before it is evalu-
ated. The mathx, matho, and mathb commands evaluate the Slick-C language expression given and
places the result in the message line in hexadecimal, octal, and binary respectively. The expression
can have the following unary operators:
• ~ bitwise complement
• - negation
• + no change
The available binary operators are listed below, from lowest to highest precedence. A comma after the
operator indicates that the next operator is of the same precedence.
Table 8.1. Binary Operators
Operator Description
&, | bitwise AND, bitwise OR
Math Commands