Parameter Name Description
$safeprojectname$ Current project name (no path, no extension), with
all unsafe characters replaced with safe characters.
For example, if the project name was: My
Project.vpj, then $safeprojectname$ would
evaluate to My_Project for a C++ source code file.
$workspacename$ Current workspace name (no path, no extension).
$safeworkspacename$ Current workspace name (no path, no extension),
with all unsafe characters replaced with safe char-
acters. For example, if the workspace name was:
My Workspace.vpw, then
$safeworkspacename$ would evaluate to
My_Workspace for a C++ source code file.
$projectworkingdir$ Current project working directory. No trailing file
$projectbuilddir$ Current project build (output) directory. No trailing
file separator.
$projectconfigname$ Current project configuration name.
$workspaceconfigname$ Current workspace configuration name. This will be
the same as $projectconfigname$ except for MS
Visual Studio workspace which will have a separate
workspace/solution configuration name.
$projectdir$ Location of current project file. No trailing file separ-
$workspacedir$ Location of current workspace file. No trailing file
$username$ Operating system login name.
Organizing Templates
Templates are organized into category hierarchies as shown on the Add New Item dialog. These category
hierarchies map exactly to the directory structure under the locations for installed and user templates.
To create a new template item category:
Organizing Templates