By saving your custom key bindings when you switch emulations, when you return to the original emula-
tion those bindings are automatically available. For example, if you have created and saved custom bind-
ings in the CUA emulation, and then switch to Vim, switching back to CUA will make your custom bind-
ings for CUA available again.
To remove custom key bindings for an emulation, resetting to the defaults, select the Restore to default
key bindings option in the Emulation settings.
See Managing Bindings for more information on working with custom bindings.
Determining Keys/Functions
When/if you switch emulations, the key bindings that are assigned to commands change according to the
emulation chosen. You can use the Key Bindings dialog to look up what command is bound to what key
or key sequence (or vice-versa), or you can use the SlickEdit® Core menu and command line to determ-
ine these items. See Key and Mouse Bindings and Using the Command Line to View Key Binding Associ-
ations for more information.
Determining Keys/Functions