the execute_last_macro_key command (see Binding Macros Using execute_last_macro_key).
Binding Macros Using the Key Bindings Dialog
After recording a new macro, the List Macros Dialog is automatically displayed. You can access the List
Macros dialog any time from the main menu by clicking Macro → List Macros, or by using the
list_macros command. Click Bind to Key to open the Key Bindings dialog, showing a listing of only your
recorded macros.
You can also display the Key Bindings dialog by clicking Window → Preferences → SlickEdit →
General → Key Bindings, or by using the gui_keybindings command. However, if you display
the dialog in this manner, it will show a list of all commands and user-recorded macros. To view
your recorded macros, click on theRecorded column header to sort and display items with a
"Yes" (which indicates these are recorded macros). A more convenient method is to use the Bind
to Key button on the List Macros dialog to only show recorded macros in the Key Bindings dialog.
Figure 9.1. Binding Recorded Macros
Recorded Macro Operations