and the number of lines in the file are counted. The line number is always displayed in the line indicator
area of the editor. The Load entire file check box will have the same affect as this check box when the
entire file fits within the cache of the editor (defaults to 2 MB) and does not have to be spilled. If you are
using the load command to open files, use the switch +LC to specify this option.
• Truncate file at EOF - When selected, the entire contents of the opened files are read into memory
and the number of lines are counted. In addition, DOS format files are truncated when an EOF charac-
ter is found. The line number is always displayed in the line indicator area of the editor. This option is
useful for REXX .cmd files which can have p-code appended to them after the EOF character. If you
are using the load command to open files, use the switch +LZ to specify this option.
• Load partial if larger than - When selected, if the file being loaded is greater than the size specified in
the Load partial if larger than text box, the entire file is not read into memory. Since the file handle re-
mains open to your file, Auto Reload does not work until the file is saved. The line indicator might be
blank unless the Fast line count on partial load option is selected.
• Auto reload - When selected, the editor detects when files being edited have been modified by other
applications and prompt or automatically replace the file with the new copy on disk.
• Suppress prompt unless modified - When selected, files being edited that have been modified by
other applications will automatically be replaced with the new copy on disk.
• Auto read only - When selected, the editor detects when other applications change the read-only at-
tribute of the file and turns the read-only mode on and off.
• Reload on switch buffer - When selected, the editor will detect when the file has been modified by
other applications when the file is switched to the active editor window. If the option is not selected, the
default check is still performed when you switch from another application.
• Fast line count on partial load - When selected, this option indicates that the editor is to count the
number of lines when files are opened. The line number is always displayed in the line indicator area of
the editor. This option is much faster than the Count number of lines option when editing files larger
than the cache size (2 MB by default), because very little data is written to the spill file. The Auto Re-
load feature does not work until the file is saved. If you are using the load command to open files, use
the switch +LF to specify this option.
• Show EOF character - When selected, the EOF character is not removed when files are loaded. If you
are using the load command to open files, use the switch +LE to specify this option.
• Expand tabs to spaces - When selected, the entire contents of the files are read into memory and
tabs are expanded into spaces. If your tab settings for the file being loaded are of the form
+<increment> (e.g. "+4"), then tabs are expanded in increments of the specified increment. Other-
wise, tabs are expanded in increments of eight. To set tabs in a form +<increment>, click Window →
Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Extension
Setup setting. On the Extension Options dialog, select your extension from the Extension drop-down
list, then select the Indent Tab. Enter your values in the Tabs text box. For languages such as REXX
and Linux containing shell scripts that require the contents of the file be analyzed before the file type is
known, the Fundamental mode tab settings are used. If you are using the load command to open
files, use the switch +E to specify this option.
File Options Dialog