
Location - Enter the location to which to save the item.
Add to current project - When selected, the new item is added to the current project.
Add - After you have selected a template item, provided a name and a location, click Add to instantiate
the template item.
Locating Templates
Installed Templates
Templates that are installed with the product are located at:
For example, the following directory under Windows contains item templates for the C++ language:
User Templates
User templates are templates that the user creates and are located at:
You can locate your configuration directory by clicking Help About SlickEdit Core.
Manually Creating a Template
Code Templates are represented as files stored in specific directories. A template is composed of the
source file or files for the template and a metadata template file that provides additional information. Since
these are just files, you can write them using SlickEdit® Core.
To manually create an item template:
1. Choose a category folder under the user templates directory. Your user templates directory is at:
You can locate your configuration directory by clicking Help About SlickEdit Core.
All files will be created relative to the folder you choose. For more information about how templates are
Locating Templates