• Location - Enter the location to which to save the item.
• Add to current project - When selected, the new item is added to the current project.
• Add - After you have selected a template item, provided a name and a location, click Add to instantiate
the template item.
Locating Templates
Installed Templates
Templates that are installed with the product are located at:
For example, the following directory under Windows contains item templates for the C++ language:
User Templates
User templates are templates that the user creates and are located at:
You can locate your configuration directory by clicking Help → About SlickEdit Core.
Manually Creating a Template
Code Templates are represented as files stored in specific directories. A template is composed of the
source file or files for the template and a metadata template file that provides additional information. Since
these are just files, you can write them using SlickEdit® Core.
To manually create an item template:
1. Choose a category folder under the user templates directory. Your user templates directory is at:
You can locate your configuration directory by clicking Help → About SlickEdit Core.
All files will be created relative to the folder you choose. For more information about how templates are
Locating Templates