Environment Variable Description
VSLICKPATH must also contain the directories lis-
ted here.
VSLICKBITMAPS One or more directories separated with a semicolon
(;) (or a colon [:] on UNIX) that contain bitmap files
(*.bmp). VSLICKPATH must also contain the dir-
ectories listed here.
VSLICKMISC One or more directories separated with a semicolon
(;) (or a colon [:] on UNIX) that contain miscel-
laneous files including *.vlx, *.slk, *.api,
*.idx, vslick.sta (UNIX: vslick.stu),
*.hlp, scommon.lst, main.dct, *.pif, *.ini
(except for vslick.ini), and *.lst. VSLICK-
PATH must also contain the directories listed here.
VSLICKALIAS One or more file names separated with a semicolon
(;) (or a colon [:] on UNIX) that contain alias defini-
VSLICKTAGS Specifies global tag files. One or more file names
separated with a semicolon (;) (or a colon [:] on
UNIX) that contain tags. Do not put this environ-
ment variable in vslick.ini.
VSLICKBACKUP Directory to place backup files. Affects +D (default)
and -D backup configurations only.
VSLICKSAVE Allows save options to be specified per drive.
VSLICKLOAD Allows load options to be specified per drive.
VSLICKXTERM (UNIX only) Allows you to specify the default xterm
program and arguments used by the dos command
and shell function. The complete path to the xterm
program must be specified. You may not specify the
-e option in the command string. For example, set-
ting VSLICKXTERM to /usr/X11/bin/xterm -
geometry 80x40 will create xterm windows with a
width of 80 characters and a height of 40 charac-
VSUSER The license manager handles system crashes bet-
ter if each user sets the VSUSER environment vari-
able to a unique name.
Environment Variables