Figure 10.40. Select a Tag Dialog
Select the definition you want to go to. You can also check the options on this dialog to set the behavior
going forward. When you set the Always navigate to symbol options, the settings are also updated for
the Go to Definition options on the Context Tagging Tab of the Extension Options dialog (Window →
Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, double-click the File Extension Setup set-
See Symbol Navigation for more information.
File Options Dialog
You can set various options that pertain to loading, saving, and other file operations. To access these op-
tions, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click
the File Options setting. The File Options dialog is displayed, containing the following four tabs–click the
links to go to the appropriate descriptions in the documentation:
• Load Tab
• Save Tab
File Options Dialog