causes the rest of the line to be moved to the previous tab stop. If you are using a mode that has a syn-
tax indent for each level that is different from the tab settings (see Indenting with Tabs), deselect this
option. If you want your Backspace key to delete through tab characters one column at a time, select
this option.
• Treat leading spaces as tabs - If selected, the commands cursor_left and cursor_right will move the
cursor by tab stops when within leading space. If deselected, the cursor_left and cursor_right com-
mands will move the cursor over by one physical character. The purpose of this option is to emulate the
"feel" of real tab characters even if you only use spaces for indentation.
Context Tagging® Options Dialog
The Context Tagging® Options dialog allows you to set general parameters for the Context Tagging fea-
tures. Here, you designate how the Context Tagging is done, how the references function within the ap-
plication, and you can also tune the application to maximize performance. To set options, from the main
menu, click Window → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click
the Tagging Options setting. The dialog box is displayed, as shown below. See Building and Managing
Tag Files for more information on this topic.
Figure 10.48. Context Tagging® Options Dialog
The following settings are available:
Context Tagging® Options Dia-