Indenting Tab
This tab provides indenting parameters that you can use when working with C/C++ files in SlickEdit®
Figure 7.7. C/C++ Beautifier: Indenting Tab
The following options and settings are available:
• Indent with tabs - When this option is selected, tab characters are used for the leading indent of lines.
This value defaults to the Tabs text box on the Indent Tab of the Extension Options dialog box (Win-
dow → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Exten-
sion Setup setting).
• Indent first level of code - Do not clear this check box. When this check box is selected, the first level
of code inside a function or method definition is not indented.
• Indent CASE from SWITCH - When this option is selected, the case and default statements found in-
side switch statements are indented from the switch.
• Indent access specifier - When this option is selected, specifiers are indented under the class. When
not selected, specifiers are aligned directly underneath the class.
• Indent for each level (Syntax indent) - The amount to indent for each new nesting level of code. We
have put the words "Syntax indent" in parenthesis to help indicate that this field has the same meaning
as the Syntax indent text box on the Indent Tab of the Extension Options dialog. By default, we initial-
ize this text box with your current extension setup setting.
• Tab size - The value in this field specifies the output tab size. The output tab size is only used if the op-
tion Indent with tabs is selected on the Indent Tab of the Extension Options dialog. This value defaults
C/C++ Beautifier