Beautifying Code
Code Beautifiers
Code beautifiers, available for many languages, reformat the layout of existing text based on settings that
you specify, such as begin/end styles and indenting.
To beautify selected lines of code, or to beautify the entire buffer, from the main menu, click Format →
Beautify (or use the gui_beautify command). A dialog box is displayed with functions specific to the type
of project that is active. If an HTML project is active, then the HTML Beautifier dialog appears with op-
tions. If a GNU C/C++ project is active, then the C/C++ Beautifier dialog opens, and so on. Beautifying is
supported for the languages listed below. Follow the cross-reference links to learn more about working
with each beautifier.
• Ada - See Ada Beautifier.
• C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Slick-C® - These beautifiers contain the same options and settings. See
C/C++ Beautifier.
• CFML, HTML - These beautifiers contain the same options and settings. See HTML Beautifier.
• Javadoc - See Javadoc Beautifier.
• XML, XSD - These beautifiers contain the same options and settings. See XML Beautifier.
Reflowing Text
To reflow text in the current paragraph according to your margin settings, click Format → Format Para-
graph or use the reflow_paragraph command. Margin settings are defined on the Word Wrap Tab (Win-
dow → Preferences, expand SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the File Exten-
sion Setup setting).
When you reflow a paragraph, the cursor will be kept at the same location within the current paragraph
after reflow has occurred, unless the Reflow next option is selected (Window → Preferences, expand
SlickEdit and click General in the tree, then double-click the General setting and select the More Tab). If
Reflow next is selected, the reflow_paragraph command places the cursor on the next paragraph after
it has reformatted the current paragraph.
Comments can also be reflowed according to the comment wrap settings. See Reflowing Comments for
more information.
Code Beautifiers