
Example Description
Replace with: \d12
SlickEdit regular expression:
Search for: ^a+$
Replace with: \12
Brief regular expression:
Search for: <a+$
Replace with: \d12
Using Expressions to Search for Binary Characters
Search for a sequence of binary characters by using regular expressions to specify hex or decimal char-
acters. Some examples are:
UNIX or Brief search expressions:
SlickEdit® search expressions:
Using Tagged Search Expressions
When you use regular expressions to search for a string, you will often want the replace string to depend
on what was found. Use tagged search expressions to insert parts of what is found into the replace string.
UNIX regular expressions - Use parentheses ( ) to denote a tagged expression in the search string.
The replace string specifies tagged expressions with a backslash (\) followed by a tag group number
1-9. Count the left parenthesis ( in the search string to determine a tagged expression number. The first
tagged expression is \1 and the last is \0.
SlickEdit® regular expressions - Use curly braces { } to denote a tagged expression in the search
string. The replace string specifies tagged expressions with a # followed by a tagged expression num-
ber 0-9. Count the left braces { in the search string to determine a tagged expression number. The first
tagged expression is #0.
Brief regular expressions - Use curly braces { } to denote a tagged expression in the search string.
The replace string specifies tagged expressions with a backslash (\) followed by a tagged expression
number 0-9. Count the left braces { in the search string to determine a tagged expression number. The
first tagged expression is \0.
The following table contains examples of using tagged search expressions:
Table 6.14. Examples of Tagged Search Expressions
Find and Replace with Regular