General Options
General options affect all language extensions. You may want to look through all of the dialogs mentioned
to see if there are any other settings you want to make. To see a listing of all of the option dialogs and
their descriptions, see the appropriate topics in Chapter 10, SlickEdit Core Dialogs.
Use the Preferences dialog to access SlickEdit® Core options described below. To display the Prefer-
ences dialog, from the main menu, click Window → Preferences. In the tree, expand SlickEdit and click
• Changing the emulation - During the product installation, you are prompted to choose the editor emu-
lation. The default is CUA. To change the emulation at any time, double-click the Emulation setting
and specify the desired emulation.
• Expanding/collapsing with a single click - Selective Display Plus and Minus bitmaps can be expan-
ded or collapsed with a single click rather than a double-click. To specify this option, double-click the
General setting. On the General Options dialog, select the General tab, then select the option Expand/
collapse single click.
• Clicking past the end of a line - To have the ability to place the cursor past the end of a line, double-
click the General setting. On the General Options dialog, select the General tab, then select the option
Click past end of line.
• Specifying cursor up/down behavior - By default, cursor_up and cursor_down commands go to
the same column of the next or previous line, unless that line is shorter than the current column, in
which case the cursor is placed at the end of the line. To have the cursor placed in virtual space at the
end of the line, double-click the Redefine Common Keys setting. Uncheck the option Up/Down on
• Changing the line insert style - In code, a line of text is a meaningful unit of functionality. SlickEdit®
Core treats line selections differently than character selections. Line selections are pasted either above
or below the current line, saving you from tediously positioning the cursor at the beginning or end of a
line prior to pasting. To specify where line selections are pasted, double-click the General setting. On
the General Options dialog, select the More tab, then set the Line insert style option to Before or
After. The default is After.
• Setting color schemes and fonts - Predefined color schemes, as well as individual settings, are avail-
able for changing the colors of screen elements. To use a different color scheme, double-click the Col-
or setting. Click the Schemes button, and select a scheme that you like from the Color scheme drop-
down list. To change the fonts used for screen elements, go back to the Preferences dialog and double-
click the Font setting.
Extension-Specific Options