The following settings are available:
• Margins - Sets the left, right, and new paragraph margins. Specify the column number at which each
margin should begin. Click the colored box next to the Indicator Color label to set the color of the mar-
gin indicator. The margin indicator will only appear if the Word wrap option is selected, which activates
word wrapping.
• Justify style - Select from the following justification styles:
• Left and respace - Left justification with space character reformatting. One space is placed between
words except after the punctuation characters (period, ?, and !) that get two spaces. To have only
one space after the period, question mark, and exclamation point punctuation characters, turn on 1
space after period.
• Left - Left justification with respect for space characters between words. This setting requires the
Save options to be set such that trailing spaces are not stripped when a buffer is saved. See Save
Tab for more information on save options.
• Justified - Full justification. Left and right edges of text will align exactly at margins.
• Word wrap - This option activates/deactivates word wrapping. When selected, the editor keeps the
cursor within the margins when entering text, moving the cursor, and deleting characters.
• Soft wrap - Soft Wrap makes it easy to view long lines of code without scrolling. Each line is wrapped
as though a carriage return was inserted, however, the file itself is not modified. The options are as fol-
Extension Options Dialog