
tions) have their colons vertically aligned. For example, before beautify:
procedure foo ( A_Var : Boolean ;
Another_Var : Boolean) ;
After beautify:
procedure foo ( A_Var : Boolean ;
Another_Var : Boolean ) ;
Align on declaration in-out - When checked, the modes of parameter specifications in the formal part
of a subprogram declaration are vertically aligned. For example, before beautify:
procedure foo ( A_Var : in Boolean ;
Another_Var : in out Boolean);
After beautify:
procedure foo ( A_Var : in Boolean ;
Another_Var : in out Boolean ) ;
Blank Lines Tab
The following options are available on the Blank Lines tab:
Item - Syntactic item to which blank lines settings get applied.
Subprogram declaration - Procedure or Function declaration.
Subprogram body - Procedure or Function body.
Type declaration - Any declaration that begins with the reserved word "TYPE".
for…use - Aspect clause. For example:
for Medium'Size use 2*Byte;
Subunit comment header - The comment block that appears just before a subunit (e.g. Procedure
body, etc.).
begin/end - Any line that starts with the reserved words "begin" or "end."
if/elsif/else - The if, elsif, and else parts of an if statement.
return - Any line that starts with the reserved word "return."
Loops - Loop statements (e.g. loop, while, for).
Ada Beautifier