Operator Description
^ xor
+, blank(s), - addition, implied addition, subtraction
*, /, % multiplication, division, remainder
** power
Hexadecimal numbers are prefixed with the characters 0x or just x. Octal numbers are prefixed with the
character O or digit 0.
Not all Slick-C language operators are supported.
Math Command Examples
The following table shows some examples of math commands:
Table 8.2. Math Command Examples
Example Description
math 2.5*2 Multiplies 2.5 times 2
math 5/2 Divides 5 by 2
mathx 255 Converts 255 to hexadecimal
math xFF Converts hexadecimal FF to decimal
math o77 Converts octal 77 to decimal
matho 255 Converts 255 to octal
math 077+0xff+10 Adds octal 77, hex FF, and 10
If overflow or underflow occurs, the message Numeric overflow or underflow is displayed on the
message line. Floating point numbers may have up to a 32-digit mantissa and a 9-digit exponent.
Math Commands