“Thread Pools Statistics” on page 186
“Transaction Service Statistics” on page 186
“Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Statistics” on page 187
“JVM Statistics in Java SE” on page 187
EJB Container Statistics
The EJB container statistics are described in the following tables:
Table 18–1
Table 18–2
Table 18–3
Table 18–4
Table 18–5
Table 18–6
EJB statistics are described in the following table.
TABLE18–1 EJB Statistics
AttributeName DataType Description
createcount CountStatistic Number of timesan EJB’s create
method is called.
removecount CountStatistic Number of timesan EJB’s remove
method is called.
pooledcount RangeStatistic Number of entitybeans in pooled
readycount RangeStatistic Number ofentity beans in ready
messagecount CountStatistic Number ofmessages received for a
message-driven bean.
methodreadycount RangeStatistic Number of stateful or stateless
session beans thatare in the
MethodReady state.
passivecount RangeStatistic Number ofstateful session beans
that are inPassive state.
The statistics available for EJB method invocations are listed in the following table.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008176