In the MQ Scheme and MQ Service elds, type the Message Queue address scheme name
and the Message Queue connection service name if a non-default scheme or service is to be
Values of all these properties can be updated at run time too. However, only those connection
factories that are created after the properties are updated, will get the updated values. The
existing connection factories will continue to have the original property values.
To manage JMS providers using the command-line utility, use the set or jms-ping commands.
Accessing Remote Servers
Changing the provider and host to a remote system causes all JMS applications to run on the
remote server. To use both the local server and one or more remote servers, create a connection
factory resource with the AddressList property to create connections that access remote servers.
Foreign JMS Providers
Generic Resource Adapter 1.5 for JMS is a Java EE Connector 1.5 resource adapter that can
wrap the JMS client library of external JMS providers such as IBM Websphere MQ, Tibco EMS,
and Sonic MQ among others, and thus integrate any JMS provider with a Java EE application
server. The adapter is a.rar archive that can be deployed and congured using a Enterprise
Server administration tools.
Conguring the Generic Resource Adapter for JMS
Enterprise Server's administration tools can be used to deploy and congure the generic
resource adapter for JMS. This section explains how to congure Generic Resource Adapter for
JMS with Enterprise Server.
Overall, the Resource Adapter can be congured to indicate whether the JMS provider supports
XA or not. It is also possible to indicate what mode of integration is possible with the JMS
provider. Two modes of integration are supported by the resource adapter. The rst one uses
JNDI as the means of integration. In this case, administered objects are set up in the JMS
provider's JNDI tree and will be looked up for use by the generic resource adapter. If that mode
is not suitable for integration, it is also possible to use the Java reection of JMS administered
object javabean classes as the mode of integration.
You can use the Admin Console or the command-line to congure the resource adapter. This is
not dierent from conguring any other resource adapter.
ForeignJMS Providers
Chapter4 • ConguringJavaMessage ServiceResources 67