password - Set as appropriate.
Inet Sybelux JDBC Driver for Sybase Databases
The JAR le for the Inet Sybase driver is Sybelux.jar. Congure the connection pool using the
following settings:
Name: Use this name when you congure the JDBC resource later.
Resource Type: Specify the appropriate value.
Database Vendor: Sybase
DataSource Classname: com.inet.syb.SybDataSource
serverName - Specify the host name or IP address of the database server.
portNumber - Specify the port number of the database server.
user - Set as appropriate.
password - Set as appropriate.
databaseName - Set as appropriate. Do not specify the complete URL, only the database
Oracle Thin Type 4 Driver for Oracle 8.1.7 and 9.x
The JAR le for the Oracle driver is ojdbc14.jar. Congure the connection pool using the
following settings:
Name: Use this name when you congure the JDBC resource later.
Resource Type: Specify the appropriate value.
Database Vendor: Oracle
DataSource Classname:Specify one of the following:
user - Set as appropriate.
password - Set as appropriate.
URL - Specify the complete database URL using the following syntax:
CongurationsforSpecicJDBC Drivers
Chapter3 • JDBCResources 59