
TABLE18–10 JDBC Connection PoolStatistics (Continued)
Statistic Units DataType Description
numconnacquired Number CountStatistic Number oflogical connections
acquired from thepool.
numconnreleased Number CountStatistic Number oflogical connections
released to thepool.
JMS/Connector Service Statistics
The statistics available for the connector connection pools are shown in Table 18–11. Statistics
for Connector Work Management are shown in
Table 18–12.
TABLE18–11 Connector Connection PoolStatistics
Statistic Units DataType Description
numconnfailedvalidation Number CountStatistic The total number of connectionsin the
connection pool thatfailed validation
from the starttime until the last sample
numconnused Number RangeStatistic Provides connectionusage statistics.
The total numberof connections that
are currently beingused, as well as
information about themaximum
number of connectionsthat were used
(the high watermark).
numconnfree Number RangeStatistic The total numberof free connections in
the pool asof the last sampling.
numconntimedout Number CountStatistic The total number of connections inthe
pool that timedout between the start
time and thelast sample time.
averageconnwaittime Number CountStatistic Average wait timeof connections before
they are servicedby the connection pool.
waitqueuelenght Number CountStatistic Number of connectionrequests in the
queue waiting tobe serviced.
connectionrequestwaittime RangeStatistic The longest and shortest wait timesof
connection requests. Thecurrent value
indicates the waittime of the last request
that was servicedby the pool.
numconncreated Milliseconds CountStatistic Thenumber of physical connections
that were createdsince the last reset.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008184