
TABLEC–9 LifecycleModuleCommands
Command Denition
create-lifecycle-module Creates a lifecycle module.The lifecycle modules provide a meansof running
short or longduration Java-based tasks withinthe application server
delete-lifecycle-module Removes the specied lifecyclemodule.
list-lifecycle-modules Lists theexisting lifecycle module.
create-audit-module Adds the namedaudit module for the plug-in modulethat implements the
audit capabilities.
delete-audit-module Removes thenamed audit module.
list-audit-modules Lists all theaudit modules.
Proler and SSL Commands
The Proler and SSL commands allow you to administrate prolers and SSL client
congurations. These commands are supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–10 Prolerand SSLCommands
Command Denition
create-profiler Createsthe proler element.A server instance is tiedto a particular proler,
by the prolerelement in the Java conguration. Changing aproler requires
you to restartthe server.
delete-profiler Deletes theproler element you specify. Aserver instance is tied to a
particular proler bythe proler element in the Java conguration.Changing
a proler requiresyou to restart the server.
create-ssl Creates and congures the SSL elementin the selected SIP/ HTTP/ IIOP
listener, or IIOP service toenable secure communication on that
delete-ssl Deletes theSSL element in the selectedSIP/ HTTP/ IIOP listener,or IIOP
JVM Options andVirtual Server Commands
The JVM options and Virtual Server commands allow you to control these elements. These
commands are supported in remote mode only.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008244