TABLEC–9 LifecycleModuleCommands
Command Denition
create-lifecycle-module Creates a lifecycle module.The lifecycle modules provide a meansof running
short or longduration Java-based tasks withinthe application server
delete-lifecycle-module Removes the specied lifecyclemodule.
list-lifecycle-modules Lists theexisting lifecycle module.
create-audit-module Adds the namedaudit module for the plug-in modulethat implements the
audit capabilities.
delete-audit-module Removes thenamed audit module.
list-audit-modules Lists all theaudit modules.
Proler and SSL Commands
The Proler and SSL commands allow you to administrate prolers and SSL client
congurations. These commands are supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–10 Prolerand SSLCommands
Command Denition
create-profiler Createsthe proler element.A server instance is tiedto a particular proler,
by the prolerelement in the Java conguration. Changing aproler requires
you to restartthe server.
delete-profiler Deletes theproler element you specify. Aserver instance is tied to a
particular proler bythe proler element in the Java conguration.Changing
a proler requiresyou to restart the server.
create-ssl Creates and congures the SSL elementin the selected SIP/ HTTP/ IIOP
listener, or IIOP service toenable secure communication on that
delete-ssl Deletes theSSL element in the selectedSIP/ HTTP/ IIOP listener,or IIOP
JVM Options andVirtual Server Commands
The JVM options and Virtual Server commands allow you to control these elements. These
commands are supported in remote mode only.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008244