
TABLEC–1 Remote Commands RequiredOptions (Continued)
Option Denition
--passwordfile The --passwordfile option speciesthe name of a le containingthe password
entries in aspecic format. The entry for thepassword must have the AS_ADMIN_
prex followed bythe password name in uppercase letters.
For example,to specify the domain administrationserver password, use an entry with
the following format:AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password, wherepassword is the actual
administrator password. Otherpasswords that can be specied include
All remote commandsmust specify the admin password toauthenticate to the
domain administration server, either through--passwordfile or asadmin login,or
interactively on the command prompt. The asadmin login command can be used
only to specifythe admin password. Forother passwords, that must be speciedfor
remote commands, usethe --passwordfile or enter them at thecommand prompt.
If you have authenticated to a domain using the asadmin login command, then you
need not specifythe admin password through the --passwordfile optionon
subsequent operations tothis particular domain. However,this is applicable only to
AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD option. You willstill need to provide the otherpasswords, for
example, AS_ADMIN_USERPASSWORD, as andwhen required by individual commands,
such as update-file-user.
For securityreasons, passwords specied as anenvironment variable will not be read
by asadmin.
--secure If set totrue, uses SSL/TLS to communicate withthe domain administration server.
--interactive If setto true (default), only the requiredpassword options are prompted.
--terse Indicatesthat any output data must bevery concise, typically avoiding
human-friendly sentences andfavoring well-formatted data for consumption bya
script. Default is false.
--echo Settingto true will echo the commandline statement on the standardoutput. Default
is false.
--help Displaysthe help text for the command.
The Multimode Command
Use the multimode command to process the asadmin commands. The command-line interface
will prompt you for a command, execute that command, display the results of the command,
and then prompt you for the next command. Additionally, all the asadmin option names set in
this mode are used for all the subsequent commands. You can set your environment and run
commands until you exit multimode by typing “exit” or “quit.” You can also provide commands
by passing a previously prepared list of commands from a le or standard input (pipe). You can
AppendixC • Theasadmin Utility 235