To determine if a user has the net_privaddr privilege, log in as that user and type the command
ppriv -l | grep net_privaddr .
To run the asadmin create-service command, you must have solaris.smf.* authorization.
See the useradd and usermod man pages to nd out how to set the authorizations. You must
also have write permission in the directory tree:
/var/svc/manifest/application/SUNWappserver. Usually, the superuser has both these
permissions. Additionally, the Solaris 10 administration commands such as svccfg, svcs, and
auths must be available in the PATH. For complete information on running this command, see
The syntax is as follows:
asadmin create-service [--name service-name] [--type das|node-agent]
--passwordfile password-le [--serviceproperties serviceproperties]
For example, to create a service called domain1 for domain1:
1. Run the following:
asadmin create-service --type das --passwordfile password.txt
This creates a service to restart the domain domain1 automatically. In the background, the
command creates a manifest le from a template, validates the le, and imports it as a
Note – If a particular Enterprise Server domain should not have default user privileges,
modify the service's manifest and reimport the service. To determine a user's privileges, log
in as that user and type the command ppriv -l.
2. Once the service is created, enable it using the svacdm enable command:
svacdm enable /appserver/domains/domain1
3. Once enabled, if the domain goes down, SMF restarts it.
As you administer your service, the following Solaris commands are useful:
For more information on these commands, see the command manpages.
Restarting AutomaticallyonSolaris 10
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008222