
TABLEC–7 Resource ManagementCommands (Continued)
Command Denition
delete-custom-resource Removesa custom resource.
list-custom-resources Lists thecustom resources.
create-connector-connection-pool Addsa new connector connection pool withthe specied connection
pool name.
delete-connector-connection-pool Removes the connector connectionpool specied using the operand
list-connector-connection-pools Lists the connector connectionpools that have been created.
create-connector-resource Registersthe connector resource with the speciedJNDI name.
delete-connector-resource Removesthe connector resource with the speciedJNDI name.
list-connector-resources Gets all the connectorresources.
create-admin-object Createsthe administered object that has aspecied JNDI name.
delete-admin-object Removesthe administered object with the speciedJNDI name.
list-admin-objects Lists all the administeredobjects.
create-resource-adapter-config Creates conguration informationfor the connector module.
delete-resource-adapter-config Deletes the conguration informationcreated in domain.xml for the
connector module.
list-resource-adapter-configs lists the congurationinformation in the domain.xml for the
connector module
add-resources Createsthe resources named inthe specied XML le. The
xml_le_path is thepath to the XML le containingthe resources to
be created. TheDOCTYPE should be specied as
install_dir/lib/dtds/sun-resources_1_2.dtd in the
resources.xml le.
ping-connection-pool testsif a connection poolis usable for both JDBC connection pools
and connector connectionpools. For example, ifyou create a new
JDBC connection pool foran application that is expected tobe
deployed later, theJDBC poolis tested with this command before
deploying the application.Before pinging aconnection pool, you
must create theconnection pool with authentication and ensurethat
the enterprise serveror database is started.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008242