
TABLE18–11 Connector Connection Pool Statistics (Continued)
Statistic Units DataType Description
numconndestroyed Number CountStatistic Number ofphysical connections that
were destroyed sincethe last reset.
numconnacquired Number CountStatistic Number of logicalconnections acquired
from the pool.
numconnreleased Number CountStatistic Number of logicalconnections released
to the pool.
Statistics available for Connector Work Management are listed in the following table.
TABLE18–12 Connector WorkManagement Statistics
Statistic DataType Description
activeworkcount RangeStatistic Number of workobjects executed by the
waitqueuelength RangeStatistic Number of workobjects waiting in the
queue before executing.
workrequestwaittime RangeStatistic Longest and shortest waitof a work object
before it getsexecuted.
submittedworkcount CountStatistic Number of workobjects submitted by a
connector module.
rejectedworkcount CountStatistic Number of work objectsrejected by the
Enterprise Server.
completedworkcount CountStatistic Number of workobjects that were
Statistics for Connection Managers in an ORB
The statistics available for the connection manager in an ORB are listed in the following table.
TABLE18–13 Connection Manager (inan ORB)Statistics
Statistic Units DataType Description
connectionsidle Number CountStatistic Provides total numberof
connections that areidle to the ORB.
connectionsinuse Number CountStatistic Providestotal number of
connections in useto the ORB.
Chapter18 • MonitoringComponents andServices 185