TABLE18–8 Web Container (WebModule)Statistics
Statistic DataType Comments
jspcount CountStatistic Number of JSPpages that have
been loaded inthe web module.
jspreloadcount CountStatistic Number ofJSP pages that have
been reloaded inthe web module.
sessionstotal CountStatistic Total number of sessions that
have been createdfor the web
activesessionscurrent CountStatistic Number of currentlyactive
sessions for theweb module.
activesessionshigh CountStatistic Maximum number of
concurrently active sessionsfor
the web module.
rejectedsessionstotal CountStatistic Total number ofrejected sessions
for the webmodule. This is the
number of sessionsthat were not
created because themaximum
allowed number ofsessions were
expiredsessionstotal CountStatistic Total number of expiredsessions
for the webmodule.
sessionsize AverageRangeStatistic Size of the sessionfor the web
module. Value iseither high, low,
or average, oris in bytes for
serialized sessions.
sessionpersisttime AverageRangeStatistic Time(in ms, low, high, or
average) taken topersist HTTP
session state toback-end store for
the web module.
cachedsessionscurrent CountStatistic Current numberof sessions
cached in memoryfor the web
passivatedsessionscurrent CountStatistic Current number ofsessions
passivated for theweb module.
HTTP Service Statistics
The statistics available for the HTTP service for the developer prole are shown in the following
Chapter18 • MonitoringComponents andServices 181