TABLEC–13 Transaction Commands
Command Denition
freeze-transaction Freezes the transaction subsystemduring which time all theinight
transactions are suspended.Invoke this command before rollingback any
inight transactions. Invoking this commandon an already frozen
transaction subsystem hasno eect.
unfreeze-transaction Resumesall the suspendedinight transactions. Invoke thiscommand on an
already frozen transaction.
recover-transactions Manually recovers pending transactions.
rollback-transaction Rollsback the namedtransaction.
list-timers Lists thetimers owned by a specic serverinstance
Registry Commands
The registry commands allow you to publish or unpublish webservice artifacts.
TABLEC–14 Transaction Commands
Command Denition
publish-to-registry Publishes theweb service artifacts to registries.
unpublish-from-registry Unpublishes the web serviceartifacts from the registries.
User Management Commands
These user commands are to administer the users support by the le realm authentication.
These commands are supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–15 UserManagementCommands
Command Denition
create-file-user Createsan entry in the keyle withthe specied username, password, and
groups. Multiple groups canbe created by separating themwith a colon (:).
delete-file-user Deletes theentry in the keyle withthe specied username.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December2008246