If your conguration includes remote server instances, create node agents to manage and
facilitate remote server instances. It is the responsibility of the node agent to create, start, stop,
and delete a server instance. Use the command line interface (CLI) commands to set up node
Command-line Interface (asadmin Utility)
The asadmin utility is a command-line interface for the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. Use
the asadmin utility and the commands associated with it to perform the same set of
administrative tasks oered by the Admin Console. The default installation root directory on
Solaris is /opt/SUNWappserver.
To start the asadmin utility, go to the as-install/bin directory and enter:
$ ./asadmin
To list the commands available within asadmin:
asadmin> help
It is also possible to issue an asadmin command at the shell’s command prompt:
$ asadmin help
To view a command’s syntax and examples, type help followed by the command name. For
asadmin> help create-jdbc-resource
The asadmin help information for a given command displays the UNIX man page of the
command. These man pages are also available in HTML and PDF format in the
Sun GlassFish
Enterprise Server 2.1 Reference Manual
JConsole is used to monitor the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. You can use either the
JConsole remote tab, or the advanced tab to connect to the Enterprise Server.
Remote Tab: identify the username, password, administration server host, and JMS port
number (8686 by default), and select Connect.
Advanced Tab: identify the JMXServiceURL as
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:jms-port/jmxrmi and select Connect. The
JMXServerURL is printed in the server.log le as well as output in the command window of
the domain creation command.
EnterpriseServerOverview andConcepts
Chapter1 • EnterpriseServerOverview 25