
TABLEC–15 User ManagementCommands (Continued)
Command Denition
update-file-user Updatesan existing entry in the keyleusing the specied user_name,
user_password and groups. Multiplegroups can be entered by separating
them, with acolon (:).
list-file-users Createsa list ofle users supported by lerealm authentication.
list-file-groups Administers leusers and groups supported by thele realm authentication.
This command listsavailable groups in the le user.
Rules and Monitoring Commands
Rules and monitoring commands allow you to manage rules and monitor the server. These
commands are supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–16 Rulesand MonitoringCommands
Command Denition
create-management-rule Creates anew management rule to intelligently self-managethe
application server installationand deployed applications.
delete-management-rule Removes themanagement rule you specify.
create-transformation-rule Creates an XSLT transformation rule that canbe applied to a webservice
operation. The rulecan be applied either to arequest or to a response.
delete-transformation-rule Deletes an XSLT transformation rule of agiven web service.
start-callflow-monitoring Collects and correlatesdata from Web container, EJB containerand JDBC
to provide acomplete call ow/path of a request.Datais collected only if
callflow-monitoring is ON.
stop-callflow-monitoring Disables collection of callow information of a request.
Database Commands
The database commands allow you to start and stop the Java DB database (based on Apache
Derby. These commands are supported in local mode only.
AppendixC • Theasadmin Utility 247