
TABLE18–2 EJBMethodStatistics
AttributeName DataType Description
methodstatistic TimeStatistic Number of timesan operation is
called; the totaltime that is spent
during the invocation,and so on.
totalnumerrors CountStatistic Number of timesthe method
execution resulted inan exception.
This is collectedfor stateless and
stateful session beansand entity
beans if monitoringis enabled for
the EJB container.
totalnumsuccess CountStatistic Number of times the method
successfully executed. Thisis
collected for statelessand stateful
session beans andentity beans if
monitoring enabled istrue for EJB
executiontime CountStatistic Time(ms) spent executing the
method for thelast
successful/unsuccessful attempt to
execute the operation.This is
collected for statelessand stateful
session beans andentity beans if
monitoring is enabledon the EJB
The statistics for EJB Session Stores are listed in the following table.
TABLE18–3 EJBSession Store Statistics
AttributeName DataType Description
currentSize RangeStatistic Number ofpassivated or
checkpointed sessions currentlyin
the store.
activationCount CountStatistic Number of sessions activated from
the store.
activationSuccessCount CountStatistic Number of sessions successfully
activated from thestore
Chapter18 • MonitoringComponents andServices 177