
Verify Command
The XML verier command veries the content of the domain.xml le.
TABLEC–22 Verify Command
Command Denition
verify-domain-xml Veriesthe content ofthe domain.xml le.
Custom MBean Commands
The MBean commands allow you to manage and register custom MBeans. The commands are
supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–23 CustomMBeanCommands
Command Denition
create-mbean Creates and registers a custom MBean. If the targetMBeanServer is not
running, the MBean is notregistered.
delete-mbean Deletes a custom MBean. Ensure that the targetMBeanServer is running.
list-mbeans Lists thecustom mbeans for the specied target.
Service Command
The service command allows you to congure the starting of the Domain Administration
Server (DAS).
TABLEC–24 Service Command
Command Denition
create-service Congures the starting of aDAS onan unattended boot. On Solaris 10,this
command uses theService Management Facility(SMF). This is a local
command and mustbe run as the OS-level userwith superuser privileges. It is
available only forSolaris 10. When the service iscreated, the user has to start,
enable, disable, delete,or stop the service. The DAS must be storedon a folder
to which thesuper-user has access. The conguration cannotbe stored on a
network le system.The service is created such thatit is controlled by the
OS-level user, whoowns the folder where the congurationof the DAS
resides. To runthis command, you must have solaris.smf.* authorization.
Service Command
AppendixC • Theasadmin Utility 251