Verify Command
The XML verier command veries the content of the domain.xml le.
TABLEC–22 Verify Command
Command Denition
verify-domain-xml Veriesthe content ofthe domain.xml le.
Custom MBean Commands
The MBean commands allow you to manage and register custom MBeans. The commands are
supported in remote mode only.
TABLEC–23 CustomMBeanCommands
Command Denition
create-mbean Creates and registers a custom MBean. If the targetMBeanServer is not
running, the MBean is notregistered.
delete-mbean Deletes a custom MBean. Ensure that the targetMBeanServer is running.
list-mbeans Lists thecustom mbeans for the specied target.
Service Command
The service command allows you to congure the starting of the Domain Administration
Server (DAS).
TABLEC–24 Service Command
Command Denition
create-service Congures the starting of aDAS onan unattended boot. On Solaris 10,this
command uses theService Management Facility(SMF). This is a local
command and mustbe run as the OS-level userwith superuser privileges. It is
available only forSolaris 10. When the service iscreated, the user has to start,
enable, disable, delete,or stop the service. The DAS must be storedon a folder
to which thesuper-user has access. The conguration cannotbe stored on a
network le system.The service is created such thatit is controlled by the
OS-level user, whoowns the folder where the congurationof the DAS
resides. To runthis command, you must have solaris.smf.* authorization.
Service Command
AppendixC • Theasadmin Utility 251