
On Any Failure Ifyou select the checkbox labelledClose All
Connections, if a single connectionfails, then the
application server willclose all connections in the
pool and thenreestablish them. If you donot select
the checkbox, thenindividual connections will be
reestablished only whenthey are used.
Transaction Support Use the TransactionSupport list to select the typeof
transaction support forthe connection pool. The
chosen transaction supportoverrides the transaction
support attribute inthe resource adapter associated
with this connectionpool in a downward compatible
way. Inother words, it can support alower transaction
level than thatspecied in the resource adapter orthe
same transaction levelas that specied in resource
adapter, but itcannot specify a higher level. The
transaction support optionsinclude the following.
The None selection fromthe Transaction Support
menu indicates thatthe resource adapter does not
support resource managerlocal or JTA transactions
and does notimplement XAResource or
LocalTransaction interfaces. For JAXR resource
adapters, you needto choose None fromthe
Transaction Support menu.JAXR resource adapters
do not supportlocal or JTA transactions. Local
transaction support meansthat the resource adapter
supports local transactionsby implementing the
LocalTransaction interface. Local transactions are
managed internal toa resource manager and involve
no external transactionmanagers. XA transaction
support means thatthe resource adapter supports
resource manager localand JTA transactions by
implementing the LocalTransaction and
XAResourceinterfaces. XA transactionsare controlled
and coordinated bya transaction manager external to
a resource manager.Local transactionsare managed
internal to aresource manager and involve no
external transaction managers.
Connection Validation Select the Requiredcheckbox to enable connection
Click Save.
Click LoadDefaults if you want to restorethe default values of allthe settings.
ManagingConnectorConnection Pools
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December200884