
To create a physical destination from the Admin Console, select Conguration >Physical
Destinations. In the Create Physical Destinations page, specify a name for the physical
destination and choose the type of destination, which can be topic or queue. For more details
about the elds and properties in the Physical Destinations page, refer the Admin Console
Online Help.
For production purposes, always create physical destinations. During the development and
testing phase, however, this step is not required. The rst time an application accesses a
destination resource, Message Queue automatically creates the physical destination specied by
the Name property of the destination resource. The physical destination is temporary and
expires after a period specied by a Message Queue conguration property.
To manage JMS physical destinations using the command-line utility, use create-jmsdest,
flush-jmsdest,ordelete-jmsdest command.
Conguring JMS Provider Properties
Use the JMS Service page in the Admin Console to congure properties to be used by all JMS
connections. In the Admin Console, select Congurations >Java Message Service. In the JMS
Service page, you can control the following general JMS settings.
Select Startup Timeout interval, which indicates the time that Enterprise Server waits for the
JMS service to start before aborting the startup.
Select JMS Service type, which decides whether you manage a JMS Service on a local or a
remote host.
Specify Start Arguments to customize the JMS service startup.
Select Reconnect checkbox to specify whether the JMS service attempts to reconnect to a
message server (or the list of addresses in the AddressList) when a connection is lost.
Specify Reconnect Interval in terms of number of seconds. This applies for attempts on each
address in the AddressList and for successive addresses in the list. If it is too short, this time
interval does not give a broker time to recover. If it is too long, the reconnect might
represent an unacceptable delay.
Specify the number of reconnect attempts. In the eld, type the number of attempts to
connect (or reconnect) for each address in the AddressList before the client runtime tries
the next address in the list.
Choose the default JMS host.
In the Address List Behavior drop-down list, choose whether connection attempts are in the
order of addresses in the AddressList (priority) or in a random order (random).
In the Address List Iterations eld, type the number of times the JMS service iterates
through the AddressList in an eort to establish (or reestablish) a connection.
SunGlassFishEnterpriseServer2.1AdministrationGuide • December200866