Reelmaster 5010 Series Hydraulic System (Rev. C)Page 4 -- 113
Use eyeprotectionsuch asgoggles whenusing
compressed air.
1. Wash all cylinder components in solvent. Dry parts
with compressed air.
2. Inspect internalsurface of barrel for deepscratches,
out--of--roundness and bending. Replace if worn or
3. Inspect head, shaft and piston for excessive pitting,
scoring and wear. Replace any worn or damagedparts.
Assembly (Fig. 96)
1. Make sure all cylinder parts are clean before as-
2. CoatnewO--rings,back--upring andothersealswith
clean hydraulic oil.
A. Carefully installO--ring, cap seal and wearring to
the piston.
B. Carefully installback--up ring, O--ring, u--cup and
wiper to the head.
IMPORTANT: To prevent shaft damage, do not
clamp shaft surface in a vise.
3. Coat shaft with clean hydraulic oil. Slide head and
piston onto the shaft.
4. Using a wrench on shaft flats to prevent shaft from
rotating, install lock nut. Torque lock nut from 30 to 35
ft--lb (41 to 47 N--m).
IMPORTANT: Prevent damage when clamping the
steeringcylinderintoa vise;clampontheclevisend
of the barrel ONLY.
5. Mount barrel securely in a vise by clamping on the
clevis end of the barrel.
IMPORTANT: When installing the head into the bar-
rel, pay careful attention to the retaining ring slot in
thebarreltoinsuret hat thepistonandheadsealsdo
not lodge in the slot.
6. Coat all internal parts with a light coat of clean hy-
draulic oil. Slide piston, shaft and head assembly into
the barrel being careful not to damage the seals.
7. Secure head in barrel by installing retaining ring.
Align retaining ring hole in the head with the access slot
in the barrel. Insert the retaining ring hook into the hole
androtate headclockwise untiltheretaining ringis com-
pletely pulled into the barrel and the ring ends are cov-