Reelmaster 5010 SeriesPage 5 -- 16Electrical System
If TurfDefender
is functioning normally:
1. When the “Inputs Displayed
” LED is lit (Fig. 15):
A. The actual float position should be identified by 1
or 2 LED’s in the left column. The correct reservoir
level is somecombination of Float Levels3 and/or 4.
B. The “Tank Level OK” LED should be illuminated.
2. Press toggle button until green “Outputs Displayed
LED is lit (Fig. 16).
A. “Valve ON”, “Data Line” and ”Self D iagnostic”
LED’s should be lit steadily.
B. “Alarm ON” LED may be displayed temporarily
(about 5 seconds).
NOTE: If“data line” or ”selfdiagnostic” LED’sare blink-
ing, there is a problem in the system.
If no beeps are heard
1. Checkalarm wires to makesure theyare not discon-
nected, broken or “+” and “-” reversed.
2. Make sure that TurfDefender
wire harness is
plugged in to machine wire harness.
3. Check 10 Amp main power fuse in fuse panel.
4. Toggle “Outputs Displayed” on the Diagnostic Dis-
play (Fig. 16). If “Alarm Open Circuit” or “Alarm Short
Circuit” LED’s areblinking
, check TurfDefender
or wires. Replace if necessary.
If 4 short beeps are heard
The most c ommon c ause for a 4 short beep signal is
from an improper oil level reading. Make sure machine
is on a level surface when checking oil level. Since oil
level will vary with temperature and cutting unit location
(raised or lowered), it is best to check oil level when hy-
draulic oil is cool and cutting units are raised.
1. When toggling “inputs”, a LED should display any of
the following problems diagnosed by the TurfDefender-
(Fig. 15):
A. Hydraulic oillevel low: position machineon a lev-
el surface and fill to proper level.
B. Hydraulicoillevelhigh:positionmachineonalev-
el surface and remove excess oil untilproper level is
2. When toggling “outputs”, a LED should display any
of the following problems diagnosedby the TurfDefend-
(Fig. 16):
A. Valve Open Circuit LED blinking
: check / replace
electric solenoid valve or wires.
B. Valve Short Circuit LED blinking
: check / replace
electric solenoid valve or wires.
C. Self Diagnostic LED blinking
: internal circuit fail-
ure in TurfDefender
D. Data Line LED blinking
: problem with commu-
nications between ECM and TurfDefender
problem with wires.
E. DripDropLED blinking
:aslow oilleakmaybede-
NOTE: If machine must be operated with TurfDefend-
4-pin c onnector of main wire harness. Do not unplug
leak detector alarm.
If false alarms are observed
1. Hydraulicoillevelmaybelowcausingairto bedrawn
out of the system. Check oil level.
2. Extremelyhard turns cancausehydraulic oilto slosh
in the hydraulic reservoir, exposing internal suction line
and purging air from the system. Normal machine op-
eration should not cause this condition.
3. An air leak exists in the system. Check to make sure
cap is securely on reservoir.
NOTE: The system will reset itself whenever the igni-
tion switchisturned tothe “OFF”position.The handheld
Diagnostic Display must be connected and observed
during a false alarm. Once the ignition switch is turned
4. To check for a system problem, install handheld
Diagnostic Display, toggle input/output and check for
any problems previously discussed.
5. Your Authorized Toro Distributor has additional
equipment to analyze TurfDefender
system prob-
IMPORTANT: The Diagnostic Display must not be
left connected to the machine. It is not designed to
withstand the environment of the machine’s every
dayuse.When useoftheDiagnostic Displayiscom-
pleted, disconnect it from the machine and recon-
nect loopback connectors to harness connectors.
Machine will not operate without loopback connec-
tors installed on harness. Store the Diagnostic Dis-
play in a dry, secure, indoor location, not on